Friday, July 20, 2007


Trash Mobs::
Clearing to Attumen requires minimal effort for an unexperienced raid. The mob pulls are progressively harder as you get closer to Midnight/Attumen. The pulls start out by ranging from a single elite to a pull of 5 elites. The elites are undead, so having 2 priests and a hunter makes for an easy/smooth progression. The elite mobs do not hit that hard however, so it is entirely possible to tank a couple of them if the cc is not there. After defeating Attumen, there is another group of 5 mobs to pull to reach one of the first quest goals in karazhan and a blacksmith where you can repair at once the reputation of honored is reached with the violet eye. This group is also usually destroyed after Attumen has been taken out for easy repairs later.

Difficulty: 1 elite -> 5 elites
SpecialAbilities: Spectral Chargers - charge ability(who would have guessed), followed by an aoe fear.


The attumen fight consists of three phases, if you even want to call them that. The first phase involves only Midnight. There will be a need for two tank within this fight, as only having one would require some heavy tanking and healing for your raid (extremely more difficult than if you had 2).

Phase 1: The offtank should be ready to engage Midnight to start the battle off. This is usually a druid or paladin tank on this target if there is only 1 warrior available. The warrior's disarm will be beneficial to tank Attumen when he arrives to lower the amount of healing necessary to keep him up during the fight. This portion of the fight is straight forward and does not last long.

Phase 2: When Midnight reaches 95% health, Attumen will spawn and must be immediately picked up and dragged away from the raid members. If possible, keep Attumen disarmed at all times when you can as it will greatly reduce the damage done and lighten the healers load. Attumen is kept away from th raid due to his constant cleaves that he swings around him as he is being tanked. All dps will remain on Midnight. It is best to dedicate healers to the appropriate tanks and only cross heal if deemed necessary.

Phase 3: When Midnight reaches 35-45% health, Attumen will mount Midnight in this phase and there will be a single target to fight which will reset the health bar of the mobs to 100% health again. One of the mistakes often made is not letting the tanks to gain aggro before unleashing your dps again, since the threat has been reset once again. In order to keep the melee classes safe from Attumen's cleaves, they should be standing behind Attumen while they are assaulting him. Attumen is relatively straight forward in this portion with one exception. At some points in the phase he will randomly charge and swing at a random party member who is usually the farthest from Attumen at the time. It is best that this is a mail user such as a shaman or hunter to miminize a single killing blow on a raid member. Do no chase after Attumen when he charges, it will do you no good and possibly mess up your melee formation. He will immediately return to the tank where the fight had been taking place. Heal the individual who had been charged and continue with the fight until Attumen falls.

How to video for reference:
Attumen: How to Fight

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