Clearing to Moroes is not that difficult a task, although a few deaths here and there can be expected. Moroes is directly up the stairs to the right after you enter karazhan. The pulls start out with groups of non-elites. It is best to have a rogue/druid stealth up to the top of the stairs with assisst priviledges to mark all the elite patrols that wonder around the room. This will aid on when you decide to pull the next group of mobs and prevent chain pulling more than you need to deal with at any given point in time. You should take the nearest non-elite group of mobs to start out with in front of you and then pull elites out as they patrol around that newly cleared section. After enough mobs have been cleared to enter the room on the left where Moroes is located, the group should remain on the stairs and pull the first table out of that room to the group. After both sides of this table are pulled out, your group can maneuver behind that table in the next room for the remainder of the pulls.
Non-Elite Ghosts/Spectres
Difficulty: roughly 8-10 non-elite mob pulls; minimal damage.
Special Abilities: melee
Strategy: It is common for one of the tank to gather them up on top of a hunter's slowing trap, while casters use controlled aoe over the group. The hunter's trap paralyzed/slows the mobs that are on the tank so that the casters/healers have time to react to lost aggro. The caster's using controlled aoe, means that they do not dump blastwaves upon cones of cold upon pom flame strikes or anything of that nature. Slow, blizzard/rainOfFire spells finishing off with some instant aoe will be sufficient and cost less repair bills. Paladin BoP can be used to aid if desired.
Elite Ghost/Spectres
Difficulty: 1 elite; minimal damage.
Special Abilities: melee
Strategy: Tank and spank.
Skeleton Waiters
Difficulty: 1 elite; mediocre damage.
Special Abilities: fragile/broken bones. This causes the individuals armor to be broken or severely reduced. Fades after a matter of 30 seconds or so.
Strategy: Tank and spank, but remember to let the 'fragility' wear off if your tank has been afflicted.
Difficulty: 1-2 Elites; massive damage.
Special Abilities: susceptability. This causes your tank to receive damage at an incredible rate, which will require spam healing to keep them alive.
Strategy: When you have multiple waiters to deal with, you should have one healer on an offtank and the remaining heals on the tank who will be taking down the first mob. The ushers
tend to hit very hard when their health drops around 35%. This is when they apply a debuff to the tank and take chunks out of his life ranging from 50-75% of a health bar in the span of a single second. Once one is down, continue with the heals on the offtank and take down the second one.
Moroes comes with four undead elite adds. The adds vary each time that you encounter Moroes from week to week. They consist of variations from the following classes: Warrior, Paladin, Priest. You can tell them apart by the weapons that they carry and their looks. ArmsFury Wars and Ret Pallys carry 2Handers, while their counterparts carry a sword and shield. Similarly, you can tell the priests apart by the holding of Benediction or Anethema.
There are 2 strategies for attacking this fight, which depends on class and capabilities as a group, but either is a capable choice.
Strategy 1: If you have at least 2 priests, then it is recommended to shackle 2 dispelling classes (paladin/priest), while the group destroys the other 2 adds before Moroes is attacked. While this quickens the fight to guarentee that Moroes goes down faster, the priests must be paying close attention to their shackles so not to let one loose that might hinder/kill off a few party members.
Strategy 2: If you think that you have enough dps/healing, then you can kill off all four adds before going on to kill Moroes. The downside to this strategy is that it will require more healing due to the additional garrotes and significant damage that Moroes himself will be dealing, as described below. The benefit is that your priests will have less to worry about in the long run.
Regardless of which strategy you decide to partake in, the approach is the same. Multiple tanks will be necessary on Moroes. Moroes has two aggro lists that he switches back and forth to, which must be your tank/offtank. This is due to his gouges and blinds performed on the tank from time to time. This requires the raid to handle the adds on their own without a tank. The most logical solution to this approach is to kite the mobs around while dpsing them. Very easily done with a powerful frost mage.
It is best to take down a holy priest as a first target if one is available since they go down fast and an accidental break in a shackle with a heal, would be devastating. Shadow priests on the other hand should always be a target left as a shackle if it can be helped since a single mana burn will empty one of your healers/casters mana pool entirely.
Once your 2 adds are down, or 4 in the other similar strategy, the fight will be on Moroes. Moroes has several abilities that he performs along the way, two of which are mentioned above; gouge and blind. Every thirty seconds or so, Moroes will vanish from the raid and randomly garrote someone in the raid before returning to the tank. This garrote can last up to "five minutes" (basically the length of the fight), with the only thing removable for it is a paladin BoP which you should reserve for a tank(when Moroes vanishes) or a healer. The longer the fight, the more garrotes you'll have to endure. To counteract the garrotes priests and druids should place heal over times on these targets. Whenever their hots expire, reapply them. The priests prayer of mending is also a favorite choice later in the fight, since it will easily use all 5 charges hopping back and forth to nearby garroted allies.
If you finish off Moroes remember you might still have 2 adds to contend with so the fight is not entirely over.
How to video for reference:
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